Tuesday, April 19, 2011

First Draft

Well I figured I'd do my best to stick to the schedule recommended and put my first rough draft together to be edited in class today.  I was honestly surprised at how easily I was able to put together ideas.  I think this goes back to all of the work we have had to do this year.

I was able to use the other assignments we had previously done as references and sometimes even copy and pastes.  It was a HUGE help to have the interview questions already transcribed.  This way I could just search that document and copy and paste the quotes that I wanted to use.

I had over the 800 "recommended" words done by the time I had hardly started into my second subhead!

I am a little bit worried about my national coverage of black retention rates.  I feel like that subheadline is my weakest aspect of the story.  Maybe because I didn't talk to a national expert?  Oh well, I think it is alright but it will need some work.

Now it's time to start working on my graphs and word clouds.  I've got big ideas to combine the wordcloud with my previous knowledge in Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop!  I'm pumped!


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