Thursday, April 14, 2011

Data Driven Sidebar

I've been sitting here working on my sidebar and trying to figure out how I want to include the multitude of data that I have collected without over-inundating the reader with numbers.  I have been able to collect information on KSU's retention and graduation rates for 9 different racial categories over the last 10 years.

Originally I was worried that I would not have much to write about and would fall well short of the "maximum that's not really a maximum" of 600 words.  Then I started to write and realized that I had 100 words in just the first bit while I was still introducing my topic and hadn't even dropped a piece of data yet.  I have no doubt that I have plenty to write about but now I'm just worried about dropping boring facts all day that the reader will quickly become disinterested in.

So far the things that I have decided to compare are the numbers of enrollment for the different races and the average retention rate and graduation rate.  I think that averages speak the most to this problem that K-State faces.  But then again their are some groups that are so small in numbers that for a couple of years there are some extreme outlyers that I feel like I should mention because they skew the average.

I was hoping that the sidebar would be the easiest part of the story and here I am stressing out about it!  Oh well, I'm sure it will all work out!


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