Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Well I just spent the majority of the last two hours transcribing the four interviews that I have done.  I had a total of 35 minutes of raw audio and it took a long time to get it all down on Word.

I thought about just transcribing the required five questions for each interviewee, however I decided that it would probably be better to do it all just in case I needed to go back to it.  I was pleased with the overall sound quality.  I recorded 3 of the interviews on my Flip camera and imported the audio into Garageband.  The other I recorded straight into GarageBand.  Two of the interviews were done over phone and the other two were in person and I was happy to be reassured that you could understand everything that they said.

Now it's time to start putting together and editing a podcast of their most prominent statements.  I'm really liking how this project is mirroring some of the things I have been learning in my other Mass Comm classes!


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