Tuesday, April 5, 2011


I'm finally starting to feel like this whole process is coming together.  I recently did a great interview with Ms. Johnella Holmes.  I had her as a teacher a couple of semesters ago and I still wasn't sure what to expect from the interview, and I was extremely pleased with the results.  She had tons of information and, in all honesty, was probably one of if not the best persons to talk to on campus.  I know so much more about some of the reasons universities across the board have trouble retaining black students.  She also had some great insight as to why Manhattan presents its own problems for KSU.  She had great facts and just gave it to me straight and I loved that.

I have an interview set up for Friday morning at 9 am with Dr. Pat Bosco that I am really excited about!

I think that I am getting into my comfort zone on this project now.  I was worried that it wasn't going to come together simply because I was so used to only using people sources.  Now that I am adding people sources to my research I am already seeing ways to tie it all together!


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