Tuesday, April 19, 2011

First Draft

Well I figured I'd do my best to stick to the schedule recommended and put my first rough draft together to be edited in class today.  I was honestly surprised at how easily I was able to put together ideas.  I think this goes back to all of the work we have had to do this year.

I was able to use the other assignments we had previously done as references and sometimes even copy and pastes.  It was a HUGE help to have the interview questions already transcribed.  This way I could just search that document and copy and paste the quotes that I wanted to use.

I had over the 800 "recommended" words done by the time I had hardly started into my second subhead!

I am a little bit worried about my national coverage of black retention rates.  I feel like that subheadline is my weakest aspect of the story.  Maybe because I didn't talk to a national expert?  Oh well, I think it is alright but it will need some work.

Now it's time to start working on my graphs and word clouds.  I've got big ideas to combine the wordcloud with my previous knowledge in Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop!  I'm pumped!


Thursday, April 14, 2011

Data Driven Sidebar

I've been sitting here working on my sidebar and trying to figure out how I want to include the multitude of data that I have collected without over-inundating the reader with numbers.  I have been able to collect information on KSU's retention and graduation rates for 9 different racial categories over the last 10 years.

Originally I was worried that I would not have much to write about and would fall well short of the "maximum that's not really a maximum" of 600 words.  Then I started to write and realized that I had 100 words in just the first bit while I was still introducing my topic and hadn't even dropped a piece of data yet.  I have no doubt that I have plenty to write about but now I'm just worried about dropping boring facts all day that the reader will quickly become disinterested in.

So far the things that I have decided to compare are the numbers of enrollment for the different races and the average retention rate and graduation rate.  I think that averages speak the most to this problem that K-State faces.  But then again their are some groups that are so small in numbers that for a couple of years there are some extreme outlyers that I feel like I should mention because they skew the average.

I was hoping that the sidebar would be the easiest part of the story and here I am stressing out about it!  Oh well, I'm sure it will all work out!


Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Well I just spent the majority of the last two hours transcribing the four interviews that I have done.  I had a total of 35 minutes of raw audio and it took a long time to get it all down on Word.

I thought about just transcribing the required five questions for each interviewee, however I decided that it would probably be better to do it all just in case I needed to go back to it.  I was pleased with the overall sound quality.  I recorded 3 of the interviews on my Flip camera and imported the audio into Garageband.  The other I recorded straight into GarageBand.  Two of the interviews were done over phone and the other two were in person and I was happy to be reassured that you could understand everything that they said.

Now it's time to start putting together and editing a podcast of their most prominent statements.  I'm really liking how this project is mirroring some of the things I have been learning in my other Mass Comm classes!


Monday, April 11, 2011


I just finished up the 4 required interviews and now I'm trying to shape up my story.  I was impressed with how educated all of my interviewees were.  I thought that they would kind of dance around the questions a little bit, but all had answers ready and were very helpful.

I think that now that I have all of my people sources I can really start shaping up my story.  I am going to lead with the Caiel Noble personal story and close with that as well. Now I'm starting to think about how I am going to divide up the story.  I'm thinking about the organization and the flow and I'm going to start by presenting the problem, then I was thinking about talking about what the reasons are, then maybe what KSU does to help retain minority students.  The interviewees were also very optimistic about K-State's future, so I may have that right before the closing for Caiel Noble.


Tuesday, April 5, 2011


I'm finally starting to feel like this whole process is coming together.  I recently did a great interview with Ms. Johnella Holmes.  I had her as a teacher a couple of semesters ago and I still wasn't sure what to expect from the interview, and I was extremely pleased with the results.  She had tons of information and, in all honesty, was probably one of if not the best persons to talk to on campus.  I know so much more about some of the reasons universities across the board have trouble retaining black students.  She also had some great insight as to why Manhattan presents its own problems for KSU.  She had great facts and just gave it to me straight and I loved that.

I have an interview set up for Friday morning at 9 am with Dr. Pat Bosco that I am really excited about!

I think that I am getting into my comfort zone on this project now.  I was worried that it wasn't going to come together simply because I was so used to only using people sources.  Now that I am adding people sources to my research I am already seeing ways to tie it all together!
