Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Week and a half left!

Wow, I can't believe that we are wrapping up this project!  I'm a little disappointed that I will not really be able to add anything really substantial to my draft right now just because of time constraints.  I emailed Dr. Gordon last week and have yet to hear back from her.  Therefore, I am afraid that I will most likely not be able to have any input from her which sucks...

I just spent a decent amount of time editing my draft that I got back from Dr. Baltrip.  I will say that she definitely made it bleed and I can honestly say that I am happy that was the case.  I feel like she really helped me out with my basic grammar along with ideas.  I may have thrown together my rough draft a little too fast and I really appreciate all the work that she put into it.

I am so happy with how my project is turning out overall.  I can't wait to share the final product with everyone out there!


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