Thursday, May 12, 2011

Final Copy

Well I finally got on campus for the first time this week and picked up my edits from Dr. Baltrip.  I was happy to see that there wasn't a whole lot of content changes, so I just had to edit the simple things and not really change a whole bunch which was nice to see.  I copied and pasted the stories to the wiki and formatted the paragraphs so I think that I am done!

I can't believe that this whirlwind of a semester is over!  I am very proud of my final project and feel that I developed a lot of useful skills throughout this semester.  I honestly think that as I pursue a possible career in law that some of the research skills that I have developed could really come in handy.  I thoroughly enjoyed this class and hope that my final project reflects the effort I have put in.

Later days,


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

This past Weekend

Well I can't believe that the last week of Junior year is here!

This past weekend I went home for mother's day and to watch my little sister play softball.  While at home, I showed my parents the work I had done on the wiki.  They were thoroughly impressed with the work that I've done on it.  I was so proud to show off all the work that I have done so far this semester.  They really liked the direction of my story and how everything looks.  I'm very happy with the graphics and how the visual aspects turned out.  Now all that's left is to post the final edits.  Now today, Dr. Baltrip just emailed me saying that the edits are done.  I can't believe that I'm on the final step of this semester long project!  I think it will turn out very well.


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Week and a half left!

Wow, I can't believe that we are wrapping up this project!  I'm a little disappointed that I will not really be able to add anything really substantial to my draft right now just because of time constraints.  I emailed Dr. Gordon last week and have yet to hear back from her.  Therefore, I am afraid that I will most likely not be able to have any input from her which sucks...

I just spent a decent amount of time editing my draft that I got back from Dr. Baltrip.  I will say that she definitely made it bleed and I can honestly say that I am happy that was the case.  I feel like she really helped me out with my basic grammar along with ideas.  I may have thrown together my rough draft a little too fast and I really appreciate all the work that she put into it.

I am so happy with how my project is turning out overall.  I can't wait to share the final product with everyone out there!


Monday, May 2, 2011


Alright, well this process appears to be comng to an end finally.  I've got both my sidebar and full copy edited by Dr. Baltrip.  I spent a lot of last week's class period working on the layout of my WetPaint site.  I am a very visual person and feel like the design is very important.  I know that this class is about reporting, but I take a lot of pride in how my final project looks.

I hate the way that WetPaint goes about editing the layout.  It's so frustrating that you can't click and drag the different components.  Everything has to be in line with the cursor which makes for a very slow process to get things the way you want them to look.  There's the option to split the whole screen into a wide left side with a skinny side on the right.  I was originally going to use this option, but I found a way around this because I want my side bar to be the only thing on the right side, and I didn't want it to get in the way of the mortar board graphic that I created.  So I created a table for my side bar.

I'm really happy with how the design turned out, so now all I need to do is edit my drafts, get them looked over again, and then put the final product together!  This is a hectic week for me so hopefully I can get those drafts completed sooner rather than later!
